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Xogħol applikat mill-Ħamrun Learning Support Center għal ġo dar l-istudenti stess!

Il-fuljetti tat-taħriġ, Stay-Home-Stay-Safe għall-istudenti ġewwa l-Ħamrun Learning Support Center li jagħmel parti mill-Kulleġġ San Thomas More ħadu xejra kemmxejn differenti mix-xogħol tas-soltu ippreparat għall-istudenti f’dan iż-żmien diffiċli. Is-Sur Warren Muscat, il-koordinatur taċ-Ċentru flimkien mal-edukaturi kollha li jaħdmu fl-istess Ċentru ppreparaw xogħol applikat skont il-livell tal-istudenti. Dan seta’ jseħħ bl-għajnuna tat-tim rispettiv tal-Kulleġġ, billi nxtraw riżorsi apposta u flimkien mas-Sur Josef Gauci (Resouce Worker) tqassmu lil kull student li jattendu f’ dan iċ-Ċentru. L-istudenti laqgħu dan il-materjal b’ħeġġa liema bħalu u dlonk bdew jaħdmu minnufih flimkien mal-ġenituri/tuturi tagħhom!


Stay-Home-Stay-Safe with hands on resources created by Ħamrun Boys Learning Center to the learners’ home.

The training leaflets, Stay-Home-Stay-Safe for students at the Hamrun Learning Support Center which is part of St. Thomas More College are different from the usual work prepared for students. Mr. Warren Muscat, the coordinator of the Center together with all the educators working in the same Center prepared applied learning based projects  for the students. This was made possible by the team of the College, who created resource packs which included stationary items, painting materials, various tools and raw materials such as clay, stone and wood to continue supporting their students throughout these difficult times.  The students eagerly welcomed this material and immediately started working on their new projects.