Charmaine Attard edukattriċi tal-Kinder 2 ingħaqdet ma bosta msieħba biex ħolqot ebook mimli b’ attivitajiet kreattivi. “S. T. E. A. M- tastic” kien proġett tal-eTwinning, fejn studenti tal-Kinder 2 mill-iskola Primarja Ħamrun SS, flimkien ma’ tfal barranin ikollaboraw u ħolqu attivitajiet relatati max-xjenza, it-teknoloġija, l-inġinerija, l-arti u l-matematika. L-attivitajiet inġabru f’ebook li hu mimli ritratti u ‘links’, kif ukoll spjegazjoni dwar kif faċilment twettqu l-attivitajiet.
Għal aktar informazzjoni tista’ taċċessa l-link ta’ hawn taħt:
A fantastic initiative for Kinder schoolchildren
Charmaine Attard, a Kinder 2 educator has teamed up with several etwinning partners to create an ebook filled with S.T.E.A.M related activities. “S.T.E.A.M-tastic” was an eTwinning project, during which students from Kinder 2 of Ħamrun SS Primary school together with their foreign partners, collaborated & created activities related to science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics.
These activities have been collected in an ebook which is filled with photos & links, along with simple steps on how the activities were executed successfully. Now more than ever this book can be beneficial for both educators and guardians which students can do in the comfort of their own homes.
Should you wish to use this ebook which is free for all it can be accessible through the link below.