Id-Direttorat għal-Litteriżmu Diġitali u Ħiliet Transversali, b’ kollaborazzjoni ma’ PWC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) jixtieq jistiednek biex tipparteċipa f’dan l-istudju ta’ Riċerka dwar “Possible Introduction of Portable Technology” fi Skejjel Medji u Sekondarji. Dan l-istħarriġ huwa maħsub għall-edukaturi kollha fis-Sena 6 u fl-iskejjel medji u sekondarji, inklużi Uffiċjali tal-Edukazzjoni, Kapijiet tal-Iskejjel, Assistenti Kapijiet, Kapijiet tad-Dipartimenti, Għalliema u LSEs.
L-għan tal-istħarriġ huwa prinċipalment biex :
- Jinkiseb għarfien dwar l-użu edukattiv ta’ apparat teknoloġiku portabbli fl-iskejjel medji u sekondarji;
- Evalwazzjoni tal-esperjenza tal-edukaturi permezz tal-introduzzjoni possibbli ta’ teknoloġija portabbli u l-impatt tagħha fuq it-tagħlim .
Filwaqt li l-parteċipazzjoni fl-istħarriġ huwa fuq bażi volontarja, aħna napprezzaw il-parteċipazzjoni tagħkom fl-istħarriġ biex taqsmu l-ideat u l-opinjonijiet tagħkom dwar il-ħtiġijiet tagħkom f’dan il-qasam.
L-istħarriġ huwa miftuħ sal-Ġimgħa 26 ta’Ġunju. Għal aktar informazzjoni jew kjarifika tista’ tikkuntattjana fuq [email protected]
Agħfas hawn taħt:
The Directorate for Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills in collaboration with PWC would like to invite you to participate in this Research Study on the Possible Introduction of Portable Technology in Middle and Secondary Schools. This survey is intended for all educators in Year 6 and in the Middle and Secondary schools, including Education Officers, Heads of Schools, Assistant Heads, Heads of Departments, Teachers and LSEs.
The aim of the survey is mainly to:
- Gain insight on the educational use of portable technological devices in the middle and secondary schools;
- Evaluate the experience of educators’ through the possible introduction of portable technology and the impact on their teaching.
While the participation in the survey is on a voluntary basis, we would appreciate if you could participate in the survey to share your insights and opinions on their needs within this area.