Il-kap tal-iskola, s-Sur Gaetano Calleja ha jmexxi żewġ sessjonijiet ta’ informazzjoni għal studenti li huma interessati li jkomplu l-edukazzjoni tagħhom post-sekondarju fil-Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary (GCHSS), u l-ġenituri/gwardjani tagħhom
L-ewwel webinar ħa jsir it-Tlieta 7 ta’ Lulju fis-18.00 u ħa jkun bil-Malti. It-tieni webinar ħa jsir l-Erbgħa 8 ta Lulju fis-18.00 u ħa jkun bl-Ingliż.
Min jattendi għal dawn il-webinars ikollu ukoll l-opportunità biex isaqsi mistoqsijiet waqt is-sessjoni. Mr Joe Gauci, assistent kap tal-iskola, Ms Rebecca Grech, career advisor, u Mr Ryan Portelli, school counsellor ħa jkunu qed jipprovdu informazzjoni utli waqt l-event.
Il-links għall-webinars huma disponibbli hawnhekk:
GCHSS Prospectus Launch
The Head of School, Mr Gaetano Calleja will be holding two live information sessions for students interested in joining Giovanni Cur mi Higher Secondary (GCHSS) for their post compulsory education and their parents/guardians.
The first Webinar will be held on Tuesday 7th July at 18.00hrs and will be held in Maltese. The second Webinar will be held on Wednesday 8th July at 18.00hrs and will be conducted in English.
Attendees will be given the opportunity to a Q&A session during the live event. Mr Joe Gauci, senior assistant head, Ms Rebecca Grech, career advisor, and Mr Ryan Portelli, school Counsellor will also be providing valuable information during the event.
The links for the webinar are available here: