EducationMEYRSchool Initiative Thematic STEM Debate By The Office of the Permanent Secretary | Education, MEYR, School Initiative
EducationMalta School GamesMEYRSchool Initiative Lighting the Way: The MSG Torch and Flag Reach Birżebbuġa By The Office of the Permanent Secretary | Education, Malta School Games, MEYR, School Initiative
EducationSchool Initiative St. Theresa College, Secondary School, Mriehel – Erasmus + SAFE By The Office of the Permanent Secretary | Education, School Initiative
EducationMEYRSchool Initiative A MRC Erasmus+ Training course in Rome By The Office of the Permanent Secretary | Education, MEYR, School Initiative
EducationMEYRSchool Initiative Young Scientists from Gozo College Kercem Primary earn International Recognition By The Office of the Permanent Secretary | Education, MEYR, School Initiative
EducationMEYRSchool Initiative The Miracle Project Launch By The Office of the Permanent Secretary | Education, MEYR, School Initiative
EducationIdeasMEYRSchool Initiative Celebrating 20 Years of St. Benedict College Secondary School: A Musical Tribute By The Office of the Permanent Secretary | Education, Ideas, MEYR, School Initiative
EducationSchool Initiative Environmental Collaboration Shines in Ljubljana By The Office of the Permanent Secretary | Education, School Initiative
EducationMEYRSchool Initiative MVPA Students on a Human Rights Youth Exchange in Greece By The Office of the Permanent Secretary | Education, MEYR, School Initiative
EducationMEYRSchool Initiative Celebration Day at Dingli Primary School By The Office of the Permanent Secretary | Education, MEYR, School Initiative